The Femcare Automatic Sanitary Bin provides a discrete and trusted solution for the washroom and a good touch-free self service option to suit any budget.
Easy to clean ABS plastic construction. Slim profile for universal cubicle access and placement. Fragranced, degradable Multi-liner and degradable cartridge system is also available to suit.
Supplied with standard C-cell batteries – The Femcare Bins are easy use with low maintenance requirements. Easy to remove and replace sensor drive module electronics, as needed for service and cleaning.
Femcare treatment products are totally safe with biodegradable antimicrobial treatment options, providing the highest levels of efficacy both in terms of bacteria and virus elimination as well as odour control.
Simply add the re-oderizer sachets to the Durasan Cartridge to absorb odours and kill bacteria.
Looking for the whole solution. Try the Femcare Bin with the disposable Durasan Cartridge, Re-oderiser Satchets and Multi-liners for the all in one solution to self service sanitary waste in your business.
Key Features
- Discrete and trusted solution
- Touch-free or manual options
- Easy to clean ABS plastic construction
- Slim profile – Long lasting batteries
- Low maintenance requirement
- Easy to service